Triton Android Programming Apps

Triton - SliBlo 1.6
SliBlo:Short for Sliding Blocks. A mind challenging game that you canenjoy for hours.Goal: eliminate all the blocks in least amount of clicksHow: By clicking on a block, all similar blocks linked to this onewill disappear. The other blocks will fall down (no matter how yourdevice is orientated!)Twist: You can rotate your device to let the blocks fall downagain and again, shuffling them in the right position to eliminatelarge chains of blocks! Your final score depends on the number oftimes you had to click so make strategic use of a combination ofclicking and rotating your device to keep your clicking count to aminimum.To fine tune the score, you should pursue eliminating only largechains, larger chains give you higher scores!---------------------------There are 4 difficulty levels including a tutorial. You have topass for each of these levels before you can continue to theother.Each level has its own high score and statistics, so make sure youtry them all!Features:- 4 levels- Different themes- Tutorial- Bookkeeping of statistics- Help page- Simple to learn- Hours of fun- Nice graphicsIf you encounter any problems or bugs, or if you have somethingyou like to add or change to the game please contact me:programming.triton @ you like to share your opinion about this game, please rateSliBlo on the android market![I am not a professional software engineer, android games arepublished in my spare time, so please be gentle with yourcritique]
Triton - Stop Cancer 3.0
Cancer is not a game! Yet this app triestoconvert this subject into a playable, fun and addictive game.Byplaying this game you support cancer research, since theprofitwill go to institutes that are researching cures and/ornewtreatments against this awful disease.In this game you will encounter a cluster of bad cells that havesettheir mind on multiplying uncontrollably. Sometimes theydisappearon their own, but this does not happen fast enough! Soonyour wholescreen will be filled with the nasty cells. You have toclick yourway through the cancer. By tapping the cells, the cellswilldisappear. Tap fast enough and cure the cancer, if you do notmanageto cure the disease try to stay in the game for as longaspossible.Features:* Nice game-play, look and feel* Support important research* Share with Facebook* Connect with Google Play* Various challenging achievements* Two Leader-boards* FreeConnect with the Google Play to unlock achievements and earn aplaceon the leader boards!Reasons for developing this app are personal, if you like toknowwhy download the game and press the “about” button!-------------------------------------------------------------------Profit is defined as revenue minus all cost and taxes. Labourcostwill be 0 dollars/month for the first 200 dollars/monthrevenue,after this the labour costs will be (max) 10% of therevenue. Thisenables me to keep investing time in this and in otherfutureprojects
Triton Bubble Breaker 1.46
Fun and very addictive game. Good for you and good to your phone.
Triton Snake 1.7
Triton Snake is the funniest and newest variation of the alreadyfunand addictive classic snake game! This snake can slither like arealslitherer, bringing a whole new experience to the game-play!How toplay: Snake eat mice; your snake can eat the mice that comethroughthe mouse-hole. Mice eat cheese; they are after the cheese.Yoursnake isn't picky, it can eat the cheese too! Eat the cheesebeforethe mouse can and chase the mouse while it tries to get backto itssave mouse-hole or just leave the mouse alone. This is allup toyou! Different actions imply different grow speeds for yoursnake.Touch within the game arena to order your snake to move inthatdirection. You can also press the screen continuously forthecrawler to follow your finger or stylus. Your snake willdevoureverything it encounters, even its own tail! Try to stayclear ofyour snakes own (growing) tail and make sure it does notgetentangled with its own body. Don't touch the sides of thegamearena, they are solid. You will go game-over if you do. Themouseis intelligent. It can sense if there is cheese in the arena.Ifthe cheese is gone, the mouse will immediately try to return toitshole. It also stays clear of the snakes dangerous head and itwillanticipate your movement to do so. However, the mousehaslimitations too! Its movement is restricted by both the wallsandyour snakes body. From time to time, the mouse can hop overyourbody. Enjoy playing! Share scores With Google Play you canshareyour best score with your friends and with the world. Uponstartingthe app, Google Play will ask your permission to access andshareyour score. This app will not receive any information aboutyou.Your top-score score is automatically synchronized withyourdevice. This enables you to play across multiple devices.DeveloperTriton Snake is developed by Triton Programming. TritonProgrammingis an one-man developer. What started with a curiosityturned intoa hobby. By serving a couple of ads during the games,the developercan cover expenses made while developing. Let me knowwhat youthink of this game! It encourages the developer to keepdevelopingand improving this and other apps. Any suggestions to thegame-playare welcome too! If you encounter error or have aquestion, pleasereport these to